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发布日期:2018-08-05 14:31 发布人:管理员 点击:

ABSTRACT: In 2012, School of History and Culture of Shandong University and other institutions conducted the first time of comprehensive archaeological survey to the Ancient City Site of the Zeng State, which preliminarily revealed the scale, layout, structure, date and property of the city, and the periodization and ramming construction techniques of the city walls, and also got an overall understanding to the distributions of the burials, handicraft workshops and other remains nearby the city site. In addition, some burials nearby the city site were recovered in the survey, from which rich artifacts were unearthed; these discoveries provided reliable evidences for judging the date and property of the Ancient City Site of the Zeng State. This survey provided important data for the preservation of the Ancient City Site of the Zeng State and the study on the history of the Zeng State.
